reading time: 9 minute(s)
We know it isn’t your priority. As a nonprofit, you have more important things to do than go over tax forms. You know you’re doing things on the up-and-up. Can’t the IRS just take your word for it? Well, no. No, they can’t.
The Importance of Form 990
The fact is that the public relies on the information published in those 990s in order to learn more about your organization.
Transparency is paramount when running a charitable organization. The public’s perception is key when it comes to gathering donations.
You want everyone to know that they can trust you, and filing your IRS Form 990 is a huge part of that.
So, now that we’ve gone over the importance of the form, we have some news for you.
IRS Form 990 is due soon!
Time is ticking. The year goes by fast. A few months ago, you had a few months. Now, it’s a matter of days before your Form 990 is due. It’s time to get cracking!

May 15th is the annual deadline for most organizations who will file Form 990. This is a deadline you absolutely must meet. Or what? Well, since you asked…
The IRS Takes 990s Seriously
And so should you. If you don’t, here’s what you’re looking at:
Penalties for failing to file:
- $20 to $100 PER DAY after the deadline if you fail to file. Depending on the gross receipt totals for your organization, you could be looking at very, very steep fines. Either way, it really adds up. These fines are nothing to sniff at!
Not only that, but
Individuals can also be held responsible.
Yes, indeed. Are you in a leadership position for your organization? Chances are if you’re reading this post, you are. So you should know that you are at risk of accruing fines yourself, in addition to any penalties the organization receives. If you fail to make a timely response on behalf of the organization to a direct request from the IRS, they WILL put you on their naughty list. Making this list could cost you, to the tune of $10 per day!
E-filing IRS Form 990 is easy!
Finally! Some good news! What a relief! Look, don’t hold it against us. We had to get your attention. Our friends at TaxBandits want good people like you to avoid any hurdles in continuing the work that you do. Charitable organizations are the lifeblood of so many important causes, and we want you to be aware of any potential pitfalls. We also want to help you leap over them! That’s why TaxBandits offers the entire series of 990 Forms. We’ll even help you pick out the one you need to use for your organization!
Find YOUR correct IRS 990 Form.
Don’t know where to start? Use this handy chart!
Next, follow these simple steps!
We’ve made the process so easy, there’s no reason to put it off any further! If you can click a mouse or tap a screen, you can get your Form 990 filed with TaxBandits, lickity split!
- Sign in or create your free account.
- Add your organization’s details.
- Answer questions – interview style!
- Review your information and audit report
- Pay and transmit directly to the IRS
We’ve thrown a lot of information at you today! And it’s all useful. We’ll give you a chance to sit with it for a bit, but only for a bit! The deadline is approaching soon! When you’re ready (soon!), go ahead and click this link to get started:
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