Are you ready to e-file? Are you sure? But you have not received the great wisdom of the ExpressExtension e-filing masters. Let’s step away from Start Now button for just a...
Come one, Come all! Step right up and have your questions answered by the all-knowing ExpressExtension Support Team. They will amaze you, dazzle you, and possibly – just maybe increase...
Why go through the trouble of turning on your computer, opening your internet browser, typing in, sign into your account, choose the form you need to file, and I...
You know, it may be the magical holiday season right now, but those tax deadlines will be here before you know it. So I thought, we should take a moment...
The Business Tax Filing deadline is Today at midnight according to your time zone. If you need more time to file your business tax return with the IRS, you can...
The official title of the IRS Business Tax Extension is known as – Form 7004 Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain business Income Tax, Information, and Other...
Perfection Period is the 10-day time period to perfect (or correct) that return for electronic re-transmission, after an electronically transmitted business return has been rejected. For Forms 7004 and 8868,...
Filing taxes after the deadline typically means that you will incur some pretty harsh penalties by the IRS. However, there are a few situations in which the IRS does grant...
If you need to file a tax extension, you can use ExpressExtension is an IRS authorized E-File Provider and you can use them to file a business extension...