What Is A Tax Extension?

Tax season doesn’t come at the most convenient time of the year. If you need more time to file so you are not stressing about the deadline, you can e-file a tax extension. What is a tax extension, you ask? Well ExpressExtension has the perfect answer.

Tax Extensions
A tax extension extends the amount of time to prepare and file your tax return with the IRS. Awesome right?
You just have to remember that a tax extension only extends your time to file, so no waiting in endless lines at midnight, but it does not extend your time to pay (if you owe taxes). A great feature of tax extensions is they can be e-filed in a matter of minutes. ExpressExtensions.com provides the personal tax extension – Form 4868, that only takes a few minutes to e-file and transmit to the IRS. We even offer a mobile site: m.expressextension.com, so you can file an extension no matter where you are.

When are the e-filing deadlines?
The next upcoming deadlines are:
-April 15th – Person Tax Extension  which can be e-filed with IRS From 4868 for Individuals, 1099 Contractors, Sole Proprietors, and Single Member LLCs to extend time to file until October 15th
-May 15th – Non-Profit/Exempt Organization Tax Extension – can be e-filed with IRS form 8868 for Non-Profit & Exempt Organizations for an automatic extension of 3 months.
Who can e-file a tax extension?

Anyone can e-file a tax extension with the IRS, and you do not need to explain why. If you have any questions about e-filing a tax extension, all you have to do is call. Our US-based support team, located in Rock Hill, SC would be more than happy to help, you can contact us via phone: 803.541.5155 or email: [email protected]

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