Filing taxes after the deadline typically means that you will incur some pretty harsh penalties by the IRS. However, there are a few situations in which the IRS
Find out How E-Filing a Tax Extension through ExpressExtension is beneficial! As this year’s tax deadlines approach, many businesses and individuals are stressfully and hastily preparing to file
Filing taxes after the deadline typically means that you will incur some pretty harsh penalties by the IRS. However, there are a few situations in which the IRS
IRS penalties and interest may be for a number of different occurrences. Some examples are: understating your tax liability, understating a reportable transaction, file an erroneous claim for
The Business Tax filing deadline is this Friday, March 15, 2013. Need more time? No problem, you can E-File Form 7004 within minutes, using ExpressExtension. Form 7004– Application
Perfection Period is the 10-day time period to perfect (or correct) that return for electronic re-transmission, after an electronically transmitted business return has been rejected. For Forms 7004