Alright class, listen up and let’s pay attention! There have been many of you requesting a quick review session before the tax season. This review will give you extra time...
The NBA Finals are well underway this year. Two of the greatest teams this season, one each from the East and West conferences, square off in the most unforgettable of...
It’s almost here It comes every year It causes stress with no rhyme or reason Prepare yourself for…Tax Season Nothing can stop it, but you can outwit it Yes, it...
On December 4, 2013, the IRS announced the 2013 E-Filing Statistics with more than 122 millions returns being E-Filed. This is an increase of 4.6% over the previous year. You...
On October 22, 2013 the IRS announced that the start of the 2014 filing season would be delayed approximately 1-2 weeks due to the 16-day federal government shutdown. The original...