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For many taxpayers, filing an income tax return with the State is as simple as transferring your federal information to your state’s return. It’s not as easy for others if you work in two separate states, or move from one state to another during the tax year.
Resident Return
Just like the name implies – you file this return with the state where you reside. It taxes all of your income, no matter where you earned it. Each state has unique specifications for who qualifies as a resident for tax purposes. You can check your state’s tax authority website to confirm your qualifications.
Part-Year Resident Return
If you moved to a different state during the tax year, then you need to file this return twice – one goes to your former residential state, and the other is for the state where you currently live. A part-year return taxes your income only for the time you lived in a particular state.
For example, you lived and worked in Georgia for five months out the year, and then you permanently moved and worked in Virginia for the other seven months. You’ll file a part-year return with GA for the five months of income you earned and another with VA for the other seven months of income.
Non-Resident Return
The most basic scenario for this return is if you permanently live in one state, but your job location is across state lines. A great example is residing in Rock Hill, South Carolina, but driving daily to work in Charlotte, North Carolina. A non-resident return taxes income only in the state where it’s earned – in this case, that will be with NC. But you’ll also need to file a resident return with SC because that’s where you live.
State Extensions
Similar to federal e-filing, you can also file extensions for state returns. If you need more time to file multiple state returns, you’ll need to submit a separate extension with each state. Some states may require a formal request, while others may grant automatic extensions – check your state’s tax authority website for specific details.
With, we only support a handful of state extensions. While we transmit your federal extension to the IRS, we’ll also generate your state extension within your account – you can print it, fill it out, and then mail it. Tax filing deadlines may vary by state, so make sure you file your extension before the due date.
Contact our U.S. – based support team if you have any questions or need assistance e-filing federal extensions for business, personal, or exempt organization tax returns. We’re available at 803.514.5155, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST and via email 24/7 with [email protected].
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