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Exempt organizations with a fiscal tax year ending on June 30 can still e-file Part I of Extension Form 8868 and receive an automatic extension for three months. Other tax-exempt groups with their year ending on March 31 are eligible to e-file Part II if the IRS approved your first extension and you have a reasonable explanation for needing more time.
Submit each of these forms before the end of today, if applicable, or your chance will expire, and the IRS rejects all late extension requests. Transmit an extension form quickly and easily with our FREE ExpressTaxExempt – Form 8868 mobile app – get approved within minutes from your favorite iOS or Android devices.
Tax Fact: You cannot file tax extensions for an IRS Form 990-N (e-Postcard) filing. The information required for an e-Postcard is minimum and can be e-filed much quicker than other 990 forms.
Penalties for Late Filings
Late fees from the IRS are hard to recover from and will cost you a lot more than the effort required to file on time. For each day your return is late, the IRS charges a $20 penalty – it’s $100 for organizations with gross receipts over $1 million. Maximum penalties can cost you as much as $50,000 out of pocket or 5% of total revenues.
File Before Midnight
E-file with our sister site,, to complete your IRS Form 990 or Form 990-EZ quicker and easier than paper filing. Our interview-style questions and intuitive instructions guide you seamlessly through the filing process. And our internal audit check ensures you answer every question.
Contact our U.S. – based, e-file professionals for any questions or assistance with e-filing 990 forms or tax extensions with the IRS – call 803.514.5155, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST – you can also email us with [email protected].
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