Summer is almost upon us, and with it comes the three top holidays of the season: Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day. These special days can serve as great...
Though it’s not officially the end of Spring just yet, the Memorial Day weekend is traditionally the first holiday that kicks off the upcoming summer months. The weather is warm,...
Filing your tax return on time is one task – paying the taxes you owe is entirely another. If you filed a tax extension, you only increased you time to...
2016 continues to speed right along – can you believe we’re roughly just a month away from the summer season? Even though we’ve gotten through the initial business, personal, and...
Today is “Deadline Day” for exempt organizations! If you haven’t gotten around to filing your tax-exempt return with the IRS, you still have until Midnight local time to file either...
When you think about filing tax returns, what comes to mind? Late fees? Penalties? Audits? It isn’t the most pleasant subject to dwell on. And we get that – we...
Filing tax returns isn’t the most thrilling use of your time – especially if you’re running an exempt organization, charity, or nonprofit. Even though you carefully file your 990 form...
Nothing hurts like having to pay late filing fees to the IRS. And for exempt organizations, these penalties aren’t as simple as dropping a few coins in a bucket. You’re...
Filing a tax return is stressful enough as is – the IRS Form 990 series is no different. With everything you’re responsible for reporting, the last thing you need is...