You’ve most likely read, or heard, this numerous times about filing federal taxes: The IRS charges penalties if you don’t file on time, or if you don’t pay your amount...
Hey, Hey, Hey, Today is the day! For those of you who filed a Personal Tax Extension Form 4868 back in April, you must file your completed personal tax return...
It’s about that time again — time for another IRS filing deadline. If you filed Form 4868 through earlier this year to extend the amount of time to file...
With one of the last extended tax filing deadlines of the year a little over a week away, things have been getting a little busy around the ExpressExtension office. Next...
We are well within the final quarter of the year, and if you managed to e-file any tax extensions earlier this year, there are a couple of extended tax deadlines...
It’s never too early to think about next year’s taxes. And while that might not sound entirely accurate or like a very fun way to start a blog, I’m here...
Time is an interesting concept. Some say it’s linear; some theorize that it’s a tenseless illusion; some think it’s more cyclical in nature; and others sum it up as a...
We’re less than one week away from the start of Autumn. It’s just about time for flannel sheets, cool weather, colorful leaves, caramel apples, and all the other endless associations...