IRS Form 7004 is a business tax extension that extends your filing deadline up to six months depending on your type of business. If you’re requesting an extension, you should...
The IRS is implementing some new tax changes for the upcoming 2016 filing year, and with it comes a revised table of filing due dates and extensions for business tax...
The first day of Fall officially starts tomorrow, and as the weather cools down and the days gradually become shorter, we’ll all be at the end of the year before...
If you e-filed IRS Form 7004 earlier this year for your business, then you have until the end of tomorrow to file your actual tax return – failing to file...
Summer is fun and everything, but depending on where you’re living, the heat is anything but pleasant. You want to stay cool during the summer months; however, you don’t want...
Nothing can dampen a cheerful, summertime mood quite like receiving an IRS notice in the mail. Naturally, you expect the worst, but a letter from the Internal Revenue Service contains...
The deadlines for businesses are coming up really soon, and if you still need to get all your information together, you should invest in a business tax extension and receive...