Got an IRS Notice? Here’s What You Should Do

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Nothing can dampen a cheerful, summertime mood quite like receiving an IRS notice in the mail. Naturally, you expect the worst, but a letter from the Internal Revenue Service contains a detailed explanation why you’re receiving the notice and instructions on fixing a problem.

The IRS stresses that you only need to contact them if you don’t agree with the information contained in the notice. If you find the letter correct about your tax situation, here are the next steps you should take to correct any issues.

The first, most important step is to read the notice carefully from top to bottom – each piece of text contains valuable information. If you noticed a change in your tax return, compare the information in the letter with the information from your original return.

In some cases, the IRS will specifically ask you to respond within a predetermined deadline. A swift response can help minimize penalty charges, any interest fees, and protect your appeal rights if you disagree with the notice.

If the letter is requesting payment, you should pay as soon as possible. Even if you can’t pay the entire balance, submit what you can. The IRS has several options for online payments, and you can still mail in your tax bill if necessary. Check out another of our helpful blogs for various payment methods: Have Tax Liabilities? Pay Your Tax Bill Instantly!

Maintain Your Copy
As with anything related to taxes, you should keep a copy of the notice for your records. Anything can happen in the not-too-distant future in which you may need proof of documentation.

Contact the IRS
The IRS provides a contact number in the top-right corner of the letter. You’ll only need to contact them directly if you:

  • Have a balance due
  • Don’t agree with the notice
  • Need to provide additional information (only by IRS request)

There should also be an address printed where you can reply by mail. If you choose to write, the IRS asks for a minimum of 30 days to respond back to you.

Important: If you think the notice you receive is suspicious in any way, the IRS has a dedicated “Phishing” page to report such instances. You can also make a report by calling 800.829.1040 – the IRS never asks for your personal information via email or phone.

One of the ways to avoid an IRS notice is to file your return correctly before the tax deadline. But no need to go crazy to submit taxes on time – with, e-file either a business, personal, or exempt organization tax extension to get up to six months of additional filing time.

Our tax forms are made easy and the entire process – including approval – is precisely done in minutes. Our live, e-filing professionals are on standby if you need more information about e-filing extensions. Call us at 803.514.5155, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST. We also offer assistance any time of day with [email protected].

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