5 Tips About E-filing Tax Extensions

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There’s nothing quite like having extra time to accomplish something – especially if unexpected circumstances prevents your progress. Life happens, even in tax season, and you aren’t able to e-file before the IRS deadline.
No need to panic or lose your cool – there are tax extensions available for such occasions, which can grant you up to six months of extra filing time.

While it may be a bit late at this point to e-file extensions for business, personal, or exempt organization returns, you can still take advantage during the next tax season. Here are a few tips about e-filing tax extensions.

Tip #1 – E-file Extensions Before the IRS Deadline
Your extension is due on the same day as your actual tax return. You can e-file it anytime before that date, and your extended time will still begin after the original IRS deadline. But if you try to e-file after your due date, the IRS will more than likely reject your late request.

Tip #2 – Pay Tax Liabilities On Time
Tax extensions can only increase your time to file – it does not extend the time you have to pay taxes owed to the IRS. If you owe the IRS money, you are still required to pay that amount before the original due date – you can pay your taxes through postal mail, online methods, or fund withdrawals.

Tip #3 – Submit Accurate Information
Even if you e-file your extension before the deadline, the IRS can still reject it if the information doesn’t match what they already have. Double check for any mistakes with your name, address, organization’s name, employer identification number, or social security number before you transmit – a rejected extension can lead to late filing penalties.

Tip #4 – File a State Extension if Necessary
In some cases, you may need to file an extension with your state along with the federal government. Some states may have automatic extensions available without asking while others need a formal request – each one could also have unique filing requirements. Check with your state’s tax authority website for more about state filings.

Tip #5 – File Your Tax Return by the Extended Deadline
Don’t forget that you are still responsible for filing your actual tax return with the IRS. If you wait until the last minute this time or file after your extended due date, you’ll incur IRS penalties that can quickly reach thousands of dollars.

Tax extensions are great to have during a turbulent tax season, and with ExpressExtension.com, you can have your form sent and accepted in minutes. If you have any questions about your extension e-filings, contact our U.S. – based, customer support team at 803.514.5155, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST. We’re also available 24/7 with [email protected].

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