How To Jointly File Your 1040 Extension

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Marriage is a wonderful thing, it allows people to happily spend the rest of their lives together and build new families. However, there is a reason why people call their spouses the ‘ole ball and chain’ and that’s because all of the sudden you can jointly file your individual tax returns, and filing taxes is usually left up to one spouse to handle.

Plus, the Income Tax Return deadline is quickly approaching on April 18th! If you aren’t ready to file your tax return individually or jointly, don’t worry! Simply go to ExpressExtension to get 6 extra months to file with IRS Form 4868.

IRS Form 4868

IRS Form 4868 or Personal Tax Extension Form 4868 can be quickly e-filed online to give individual and joint taxpayers an automatic extension of up to six months to file their income tax returns.

Personal Tax Extension Form 4868 provides automatic extensions for IRS Forms 1040, 1040A, 1040-EZ, 1040NR, 1040NR-EZ, 1040 PR, and 1040-SS.

Because this extension is automatic, you don’t have to provide the IRS with a valid reason as to why you and your spouse need an extension.

The process is easy, simply by filing one extension Form 4868 that includes you and your spouse’s information and transmitting it to the IRS by the April 18th deadline you’ll be approved for a 6-month extension, pushing your deadline back to October 16th.


However, keep in mind that IRS Form 4868 only extends the amount of time you have to file your return, not to pay them. If you or your spouse owes the IRS any amount it must be fully paid by the April 18th deadline.

To jointly file for an extension all you have to do is create your individual ExpressExtension account, for free, and gather the information required to e-file Form 4868, which includes, your full name, address, and social security number. You’ll need the same information for your spouse as well. 

Then click “Create Personal Tax Extension” and verify if you’re filing jointly or individually. It’s that easy. All you have to do next is follow the step-by-step instructions on how to complete your form. The entire process only takes a few minutes and then the extension request for you and your spouse will be approved almost instantly.

Many people turn to extensions as a way to get more time to file without being hit by IRS penalties and fees. For example, the late filing penalty for your Income Tax Return is 5% of the unpaid taxes for each month or part of the month that your return is late, and this includes up to 25% of your unpaid tax. Once your return is more than 60 days late the minimum penalty is either 100% of the unpaid tax or $135, depending on which is smaller.

When the e-filing process for you and your spouse is quick and convenient why not give yourself more time to file instead of having to face frustrating penalties?

We’re Here To Help

If you have any questions about IRS Form 4868 or the e-filing process please don’t hesitate to contact the outstanding support team at ExpressExtension. We will be more than happy to help. We’re available on the phone at 803.514.5155 Monday – Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM EST. We’re also available via live chat with 24/7 email support at [email protected].

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