Ready or not Tax Day is tomorrow! If you have not filed your income tax return yet, you might be staring down the barrel of hefty IRS penalties. To encourage...
We understand you have a lot on your plate and meeting deadlines can often be tough. If you are not able to file your federal income taxes by April 17th,...
Tax season is in full swing. The business tax return deadline just passed, and the deadline for information returns and personal tax returns are right around the corner. If you...
Time is almost up! Your ACA, 1099, and other information returns are due to the IRS on April 2nd, by midnight. We hope this deadline didn’t sneak up on you,...
Once you file Form 4868 electronically, you will receive an automatic extension of time to file your individual income tax return. IRS extension Form 4868 can be used to apply...
IRS Form 8809 is officially titled the Application for Extension of Time to File Information Returns. This form automatically grants a 30-day extension for individuals, insurers, self-insuring employers, other coverage...