The Holiday Temp. Shuffle
Well, if you’re classified as an employee, then it is your employer’s responsibility of withholding income and payroll taxes; these also include amounts for social security and Medicaid. But if you’re classified as a contractor, then the responsibility falls on you to pay estimated income and self-employment taxes as required by the IRS, or you could end up facing penalty charges.
Employee vs. Contractor
If you’re not quite sure which category you belonged to during the recent holiday season, here are three questions that the IRS uses to determine classification:
Who is in charge of how the job is done? (Behavioral Control)
Consider yourself an employee if the company retains the right to direct and control the worker; a dead giveaway is some sort of employee training. The employer explains the proper methods and procedures to successfully complete a given assignment. You probably were also given a handbook or manual to follow as well.
Generally, a contractor isn’t reimbursed for any expenses that are needed to complete a job. Even if you factor expenses into your original work fee, you’re still considered as a contractor. Another indication can be signs of self-employed concerns such as realizing a profit or loss for the work you’ve done.
How are you and the company involved? (Party Relationship)
If you receive benefits like paid time off, insurance, or health care, you’re basically seen as an employee. However, you may not receive any benefits and still be classified as an employee. For instance, part-time employees generally don’t receive any benefits.
A sure fire way to understand your classification from the very start is to have a written contract drawn between yourself and your employer. Most jobs will request you sign an employment contract anyway; this contract should also address you by your proper classification.
ExpressExtension makes tax extension easy, but if you need further assistance or have any questions, our live support experts in Rock Hill, South Carolina are ready to help out. We’re available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST; you can reach us at (704) 839-2321. You can also send us an email 24/7 at [email protected], or chat with us live from our website.